Zoey had heel cord surgery today at Shriner's Hospital. We left our house at 5:15 am. Got there and got signed in and did paper work. She got a couple toys and played. At about 8:00 they gave her happy medicine and at 8:45 the nurses took her back to start. She was so happy it didn't bother her to leave us. For an hour I was freaking out wondering if I made the right decision. After about an 1 1/2 the surgeon came out and said she did great and we could see her when she woke up. After another hour and a fire drill she finally woke up. She would not talk for the first half hour since she was intubated. She started drinking and eating so we moved to same day surgery unit and she saw her dolly also got casted and fell in love. She named her Baby Macie (big surprise). After trying to walk unsuccessfully we got to go home. She took a long nap on the way home. Woke up and wanted her shoe off. I told her it didn't come off showed her hr doll and she has been doing great. She is not able to weight bear on her leg yet and is still on some good meds so she has been goofy. The other girls were glad to see her and love all her new toys. Alexa had been worried about her all day.
I am very proud of her and how brave see acted not even one tear. What a big girl. I hope the next 4 weeks fly by and this helps her walking and posture.
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