I don't know if I am stressed because of
Zoey's surgery, having 4 crazy kids or I am morphing into my mom but I caught myself saying 3 things I thought as a child/young adult I never would.
It is all fun and games until someone gets hurt! I brought the girls maracas from the wedding I went to. My cousin Jenni warned me against this
btw. After playing with them happily for the 1st 1/2 in the car I thought we were good. Then the fun begin the girls started switching colors and when that went bad they started beating each other with them. So I calmly!? screamed it is all fun and games until someone gets hurt. The response I got from Belle and Jenna was continued hitting and
Zoey said me no hurt Momma.
Mom sees everything. This time the girls had balloons. I was in the other room and could just feel them doing something wrong. So I shouted STOP. Alexa said mom you can't know I am doing anything wrong you can't see me. As I walked in seeing them sitting on their balloons trying to pop them I say mom sees everything.
Shh shh I can't drive when you are making noise. This was my mom's favorite thing to say to my sister and I and I thought this was too funny. Even 5 years ago I teased her about it
every time we went to a big city or somewhere unfamiliar she said this. I had a headache the other day and the girls were talking and the movie was on and I could barely concentrate so then came the
shh's. The girls thought this was so funny and started
shhing as loud as they could which actually made it worse. :)