It is almost March for Babies time. We are walking as Team Albers this year. Walgreens is donating us shirts and we are going to customize them. So far we have 8 adult walkers and 5 kids. I am really excited. Last year was a lot of fun. We are walking in Edwardsville on April 24th. It is hard to believe the girls were born 10 weeks early and spent 5-6 weeks in the NICU. This is something no family should have to go through.
The March For Babies helps fund such research and education that is so desperately needed to reduce the number of preemie births. We need to reduce the number of parents spending hours next to the crib of their tiny baby. We need to reduce the anxiety, fear and helplessness these parents feel when looking at their teeny tiny newborn. We need to reduce the number of times a parent has to bury a child they barely knew.
If you can donate or walk please do. Click the link below.