I have 4 great girls! I stay at home and love every minute of the time I spend with them.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Ready to welcome the new year!
This has been a quick month. Alexa had 2 Christmas concerts. She was a angel in both and the cutest one. (Mommy pride) Zoey got checked for phyiscal therapy for her leg... More to come on that this month. Jen and I had a suprise 30th party for Chris and Craig. It went great and they were totally suprised. We have had 3 Christmas's so far and one to go. The girls were spoiled rotton. I finally got a Wii. I was soo excited. Thanks mom and Chris. This has been a wonderful year. I hope 2010 is even better.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
We are getting ready for Christmas. Last week we finished up our outdoor lights and I addressed all our cards. This weekend we will put up the tree and go see Santa. I have already began wrapping presents. Even after doing all of this it doesnt feel like Christmastime. The weather is starting to get colder so maybe I will start feeling in the Christmas spirit. The girls have been to a parade and started wearing their holiday attire. Alexa wants everything on Nickoloden's commericals. 23 days to go!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
So today I was feeling sorry for myself. I was upset our water heater went out last week, we had to get a new control panel for our furance and that our sump pump went out all in 1 week. I was sad that it is all right before Christmas. I felt bad Zoey is wheezing and the other girls have runny noses.
Then two wonderful things happened Zoey took her first steps tonight. Her leg is weak and always collasps under her so walking is a feat. The second I started reading this wonderful blog about triplets born at 26 weeks. It was inspirational and uplifting. It made all my problems melt away. I know we will get through anything. I have 4 amazing girls and a great husband.
The picture at top is of all the girls and their best buds.
Dr update!
Zoey got put on Flovent. She is having some trouble with wheezing. She has been on Albutrol 4 times and now we are starting Flovent everydat. She was on a vent at birth which her dr says can contribute to the wheezing.
All 4 girls got Flu shots last night. They did pretty good. Alexa went last which was a mistake. She kept telling me she wanted to be a doctor until she saw the girls get their shots.
All 4 girls got Flu shots last night. They did pretty good. Alexa went last which was a mistake. She kept telling me she wanted to be a doctor until she saw the girls get their shots.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
We went to the mall today! The 4 girls me and Aunt Jen to help us. We meet my cousin and her friends for lunch. The girls were awesome. I got great deals at Gymboree even though I waited 20 mins, Had to buy return buy, then go back in and return and rebuy. Also Alexa peed in her tights while I was checking so she got to walk around with no undies or tights. But I got 4 vests, 4 longsleeve shirts and a shortsleeve shirt for $70 and $25 gymbucks so it was worth a little extra effort. By this time we were spent and went to the car to change diapers, get milk and GO HOME. The girls fell asleep and stayed asleep when they got home. I was happy with that.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Photo Contest
Please vote for Belle, Jenna and Zoey
the girls are # 65 send an email to multiplesphotocontest@gmail.com to vote for them
1 per e-mail
the girls are # 65 send an email to multiplesphotocontest@gmail.com to vote for them
1 per e-mail
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween is here and gone
I am sad things are always moving so fast. We are finished with Halloween and today Alexa asked me to put up our Christmas stuff.
We had a fun Halloween. Alexa had a parade at school where she wore her Mulan costume. She did a great job walking around. Then they had a party and she brought home a lot of candy.
On Halloween we carved pumpkins better late then never. The girls loved helping and watching. That night we made it a block and a half before the little girls were too cold. Alexa and I did another block. Then Chris and Alexa did one more block of trick or treating. The next morning Alexa woke up saying she wanted to go again. lol
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Rainy Day Blues
Today is a rainy day! Blah! The girls and I took big sis to preschool in the rain which is a lot of fun with 1 yr old triplets and a 3 yr old. Then we had Dairy Queen! :) Next we played downstairs until naptime. 2 hours seems like a long time when we can't go outside. Especially since we got our Choo-Choo wagon last weekend.
Tomorrow I go set up for the Multiples sale. Tagging all the girls stuff has been a long process and I didn't get everything in but there is always spring. I am hoping to sale a lot so I don't have to haul it back home.
All the girls have colds but thankfully no fevers. I hope this is not a long flu and cold season.
Tomorrow I go set up for the Multiples sale. Tagging all the girls stuff has been a long process and I didn't get everything in but there is always spring. I am hoping to sale a lot so I don't have to haul it back home.
All the girls have colds but thankfully no fevers. I hope this is not a long flu and cold season.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Alexa started Preschool
Friday, September 4, 2009
Jenna is a walker!
Well, Sorta she has gone about 4 steps. She is really confident when she pushes off the couch but after about 2 steps it goes down hill. Belle is catching up with 2 steps at a time. Zoey is not as close. She is standing really well though.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
We survived!
WE SURVIVED our first year with triplets. Also the first birthday party. This has been the best year for Chris, Alexa and I and also the hardest. Belle, Jenna and Zoey are amazing little girls and Alexa is a wonderful big sister. I have been very blessed to have such a great family.
We had a great party for the girls. The little ones swam and played on the playground. The whole party I kept thinking it was going by too fast. The girls got some great gifts and a couple of people brought Alexa gifts which I thought was soo sweet.
We had a great party for the girls. The little ones swam and played on the playground. The whole party I kept thinking it was going by too fast. The girls got some great gifts and a couple of people brought Alexa gifts which I thought was soo sweet.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Cole is 1!!!

My nephew turned one. We packed up the van and drove to Louisville to celebrate. About 5 1/2 hours each way with our stops. The girls were pretty good and all feel asleep on the way there. They all had short naps. We then went to Cole's party at a nice pool. We swam a little bit and ate. The girls did pretty good. Cole got a lot of great presents and was so cute eating his cake. We stayed only one night which didnt seem long enough. The girls had a rough way home.
We finished repainting our bedroom and kitchen. I am really excited our house is coming along. Our fence is going up this week.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We are here!
It has been a busy couple of weeks. We are moved in to our new house. YAY!!! Now we start the real work of unpacking and repainting. The girls are loving all the room and our crawling/running around.
Friday, June 12, 2009
NICU visit
Yesterday we took all the girls to visit the NICU. We called the day before to make sure our favorite nurse was working. I was full of emotion of the way there remembering our six weeks spent in the NICU. Everyone was really happy to see us and our favorite nurse was totally suprised. The girls were in great moods, laughing and smiling. It was good to go back and see how far we have come in 10 months. It was a little surreal that everything was the same and we are so different.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Busy Weeks
We have been sooo busy packing and trying to live in the Aviston house. I am so glad we are moving I feel really cramped here. Also we have no tv so that stinks. We have got a lot of things finished for the move so hopefully we can have a relaxing weekend in Kentucky. We are excited to see Christie, Pat, Cole, Mom and Bob.
Alexa is so smart. Her memory amazes me and she is a great helper. Jenna is going from crawling to sitting up and it amazes her every time she does it. Belle is starting to get around really good. Zoey is a one armed crawling machine. They are great girls and light up my life everyday.
Alexa is so smart. Her memory amazes me and she is a great helper. Jenna is going from crawling to sitting up and it amazes her every time she does it. Belle is starting to get around really good. Zoey is a one armed crawling machine. They are great girls and light up my life everyday.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
1 move down, 1 to go

We are officially back at our Aviston house. The babies are in master bedroom, Alexa is in her room and Chris and I are on the couch. We have no tv, Chris got mad at Direct TV and canceled them so we are waiting until we move to our new house to get cable. All 4 girls have adjusted well to the move. Chris and i are exhausted from a week straight of moving and rearranging.
Last weekend we started moving, had Alexa's birthday at Chuck E Cheese and had the girls baptism. Ooh we also bought another house that weekend. After June 13th our lives will be relatively normal again. haha
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Mother's Day actually started last night. I was watching a show in my room cuz Chris and Alexa were watching something and I feel asleep at 9:20 and didnt wake up until 6:45. Wow I felt great with all the sleep. Chris and the girls got me a camera, a cute card and a smooth away. They made me breakfast and then I went to church by myself. I could actually pay attention. Chris and Alexa cleaned out my van.
Now we are heading over to my Mother-in-laws to eat. All 4 girls are wearing matching green dresses that are too cute. It has been a great day so far.
I called Mom, sis and Nana to wish them all a Happy Mothers Day also.
Now we are heading over to my Mother-in-laws to eat. All 4 girls are wearing matching green dresses that are too cute. It has been a great day so far.
I called Mom, sis and Nana to wish them all a Happy Mothers Day also.
Monday, April 20, 2009

On Friday night my friend Dana came to help with the March for Babies walk. Saturday morning we got the girls all ready loaded the triplet and single stroller and headed off to the walk. Registration began at 9:00am and the walk was at 10:00 am. By the time we got there and got parked it was 9:50 am. They made some freebies and I got my shirt and the walk began. Alexa couldn't decide if she wanted to walk or ride so we juggled her and Jenna was a little fussy because the walk was in the middle of nap time. Then about half way in it started raining. Luckily by this time all the babies had went to sleep and Alexa was in the stroller.
After the walk Chris went to help his mom move and Dana and I headed to the mall. First time to the mall with the triple stroller. People were very interested in the girls. We made it to 2 stores, the bathroom and the carousal. The girls were really good. Then we were off to Maggie Moos for ice cream. Next stop was Hobby Lobby for supplies for the baptism invites. (Dana is making them) This was one stop too many for everyone. Chris made steaks when we got home. Dana helped us feed and put the girls to bed before she left and then I passed out.
Sunday we took the girls to church for the 2nd time. They were pretty good but it was kinda a juggling act to keep them entertained. Then I went to K-mart for triple coupons. Yay! Then came home and relaxed. All 6 of us were tired Sunday night.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Park Playdate
So yesterday one of the playgroup moms emailed to see if we wanted to go to the park today. Of course we did. It is in the 70s today and sunny. So this is how our day went.
3:45 am Alexa screaming DADDY. I try to wake up Daddy but it is a no go. I go in she screams no Daddy. I wake Daddy up this time. He goes in calms her down comes back.
5:45 DADDY DADDY MOMMY MOMMY ALexa yells. Chris brings her to our bed which rarely happens.
6:40 Zoey screams Alexa says Mommy babys awake morning time GET UP. I have a headache.
7:20 bottles usually a little later but I cant hold them off and again I have a headache. Alexa juice and pineapples.
8:15 girls cereal Everyone gets dressed
9:00 Belle, Jenna and Zoey go down for nap
9:45 I shower YAY
10:15 Alexa wakes up all 3 girls BOO
10:45 I start loading the girls up
11:10 We pull into Hardee's parking lot someone has pooped I change Jenna and decide to feed them bottle also I found one Excederin so I take it
11:45 McD's drive thru I didnt feel like Mcd's so that is the reason for 2 drive thru's
11:55 We made it to the park
1:05 start loading everyone in the van
1:10 Alexa still crying whining that she wants to see her friends
1:30 we get home everyone passed out Some one has pooped again this time Belle still have a headache take one more excederin
2:00 Alexa sleeping, Belle sleeping the other girls are crying/talking
2:30 Jenna and Zoey are awake Jenna has sprouted her first tooth YAY
2:45 Belle is awake
3:30 bottles again
STILL 5 hours until babies bedtime. Chris is going out tonight but my friend Dana is coming over to help.
It was absolutely great spending a little over a hour at the park. The sun was shining. The moms helped me with the girls. Alexa saw her friends. I had some mommy talk. It is also a lot of work.
Tomorrow is the March for Babies walk. We are praying for sunshine.
3:45 am Alexa screaming DADDY. I try to wake up Daddy but it is a no go. I go in she screams no Daddy. I wake Daddy up this time. He goes in calms her down comes back.
5:45 DADDY DADDY MOMMY MOMMY ALexa yells. Chris brings her to our bed which rarely happens.
6:40 Zoey screams Alexa says Mommy babys awake morning time GET UP. I have a headache.
7:20 bottles usually a little later but I cant hold them off and again I have a headache. Alexa juice and pineapples.
8:15 girls cereal Everyone gets dressed
9:00 Belle, Jenna and Zoey go down for nap
9:45 I shower YAY
10:15 Alexa wakes up all 3 girls BOO
10:45 I start loading the girls up
11:10 We pull into Hardee's parking lot someone has pooped I change Jenna and decide to feed them bottle also I found one Excederin so I take it
11:45 McD's drive thru I didnt feel like Mcd's so that is the reason for 2 drive thru's
11:55 We made it to the park
1:05 start loading everyone in the van
1:10 Alexa still crying whining that she wants to see her friends
1:30 we get home everyone passed out Some one has pooped again this time Belle still have a headache take one more excederin
2:00 Alexa sleeping, Belle sleeping the other girls are crying/talking
2:30 Jenna and Zoey are awake Jenna has sprouted her first tooth YAY
2:45 Belle is awake
3:30 bottles again
STILL 5 hours until babies bedtime. Chris is going out tonight but my friend Dana is coming over to help.
It was absolutely great spending a little over a hour at the park. The sun was shining. The moms helped me with the girls. Alexa saw her friends. I had some mommy talk. It is also a lot of work.
Tomorrow is the March for Babies walk. We are praying for sunshine.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
We have a tooth!
Zoey had a tooth break through on Saturday and another one is really close to popping up. Jenna is soo close and Belle is starting to chew on everything. Alexa has been brushing her teeth like a big girl.
We had a great Easter. The girls got so many goodies and looked so cute in there dresses. We took a picture with the Easter bunny and no one was crying. Alexa had a great time looking for eggs and helped her cousin Cole find his eggs too. We were all tired after a long weekend of traveling.
I found a great new website and they are having a cool supernanny freebie. Check them out. http://www.multiplesandmore.blogspot.com/
We had a great Easter. The girls got so many goodies and looked so cute in there dresses. We took a picture with the Easter bunny and no one was crying. Alexa had a great time looking for eggs and helped her cousin Cole find his eggs too. We were all tired after a long weekend of traveling.
I found a great new website and they are having a cool supernanny freebie. Check them out. http://www.multiplesandmore.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Rec Center
Today I joined the rec again. The lady asked if I had a membership recently and I was like a couple months ago. She looked it up and it had been a year!!! That means I found out about the girls a little over a year ago. What a year it has been. So I swam for about 45 minutes at a snails pace but I was excited I actually did it. Then I went grocery shopping and got myself red laces as a reward. They were hard and tasted bad. boo. I hope to do at least 2 times a week once at night and once in the morning with the girls. They have a great daycare and I hope they are ready for all my kids. :)
Monday, April 6, 2009
WOW It has been a long time!
I cant believe I haven't wrote since before the girls were born. Well, I will play catchup. Belle, Jenna and Zoey arrived August 11, 2008. At 4:30, 4:30 and 4:32. They weighed 2lb 7oz, 3lbs 2 oz and 3lbs 4 oz. They all spent 5 wks in the NICU. Then Belle went back for an extra week. Since then we have had 3 more hospital visits. We all just got over are lastest sickness. They little girls are almost 8 months old and Alexa is almost 3. I am soo behind I dont even know how to catch up so I will just start from today.
Belle now weighs 15 lbs
Jenna 18lbs
Zoey 17 I cannot believe these are my little preemies. They have came so far. Zoey is starting to crawl, Jenna is sitting up and Belle is on there heels.
The first picture is from March. The second is from the end of August,
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